December 26, 2010


Gue baru baca beberapa post lama gue waktu smp dan mengapa oh mengapa gue amat sangat teramat emo dan marah-marah mulu! fuuuuuuuuuuuuu padahal di sma gue imut, periang, ceria, super cheerful kayak ceri kurang apa lagi coba......well mungkin itu faktor jauhnya sekolah gue dulu dan sekarang dan dan dan mungkin lama perjalanan yang ditempuh membuat gue emosi. itu cuma teori. TEORI. tapi mungkin aja loh teori gue bener maklumlah kan gue pinter *ihik*

tadinya gue berniat mau ngapus semua post lamanya tapi dari mana gue bisa mengenang masa-masa smp gue nanti HUFFT nanti gimana gue bisa cerita ke anak gue 'dulu ya, waktu smp mama itu eksis, cantik, pokoknya it girl banget deccccch!!'. oke, gak dihapus  pun gue gak bisa bilang kayak gitu ke anak gue karena itu bukan fakta, paling-paling gue cuma bisa bilang 'aduh dulu itu ya waktu smp mama paling segala bisa deh, mulai dari pelajaran sampe olahraga semuanya mama bisa, multi-talented banget deh! sekarang sih teuteeep, HEHEHEHE' FINE itu bukan fakta juga tapi ngarang dikit boleh lah demi anak.

December 25, 2010

Out of Despair

Oke gue nulis lagi di blog ini dan --bukannya sombong atau apa-- gue lupa cara nulis cerita (curhat) yang baik dan benar dalam bahasa Indonesia setelah sekian lama gue meninggalkan ini HUFFFT.

Entah bagaimana caranya supaya gue bisa kembali mendapat inspirasi kayak dulu lagi...........*bagaimana caranya untuk agar kau mengerti bahwa aku rindu*..........satu-satunya yang gak berubah dari gaya tulis gue kayaknya cuma titik-titiknya dan semakin gue tumbuh *saelah* kata-kata kasar yang gue lontarkan di dalam tulisan juga berkurang.

damn this is awkward i feel like an entire different person! oke gue tenggelam di danau keputus-asaan sekarang setelah beberapa menit gue berpikir gue udah keluar dari situ. bayangin, gue orang indonesia, gak ngerti cara nulis cerita dalam bahasa ini! Chairil Anwar maafkan beta, bukan maksud beta berkhianat saparti ini.

by the way anyway busway gue udah kelas 2 SMA looooooooooooooh, udah keren udah boleh bawa mobil udah boleh pulang malem udah boleh pake baju mini kayak fulla temennya barbie, ups gak deng haha

Aulia Izzati (still can't forget about my awesome name)

P.S. gue gak tau gue bakal tetep nulis disini atau ngga tapi yah, we'll see

April 18, 2009


hey guys, sorry i wont update this blog for a while. I'll go for indefinite hiatus. just try to check my other blog, thanks.

Aulia Izzati

P.S I'll be back on after I'm done with ******* I think

April 9, 2009

Boredom Buster

Today is a day-off, as you know, I've been waiting this day for soooooooooo long. It's a calm week before exam and I don't know why it called 'Calm Week'. I'm currently listening to Switchfoot - You, it's a really good song. Oh well, I'm not going to curse or say something bad today if its possible. Anyway I've just won a talking match with someone-really-not-important in my school, I know I shouldn't said that to 'it' but well I often lost my temper these days and Thomas DeLonge's voice really calmed my heart. I haven't hear his voice for so long and once I hear it again... God it's really a peace of mind, well to me, he is a peace of mind. Sounds nasty isn't it? Well I'm going to go to somewhere and post another blog later after this.

Aulia Izzati (the winner)

P.S I know I'm boring without all of the curse, so, FUCK OFF MAAAAAAAAAN!

April 6, 2009

Some of the Most Interesting Events Today :

1. There was a COCKroach inside my dad's car

Yeah this morning when I got into car I felt some strange-fucked feeling and all of the sudden there's a fucking cockroach in front of me. All I can do was screaming and I screamed 'DADDDDDY THERE'S A COCKROAAAACH!!' just kidding, that was my sister's, I screamed with all of the cursing I've ever know and heard and my dad just like 'SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU IDIOTS!' I think he was shocked by my awesome voice... but then I continued to scream 'til my dad sent the goddamn cockroach right to the hell. ALL HAIL MY FATHER

2. Get beaten up by the volleyball named Molten

Well yeah, I'm an Indonesian. Tadi pas olahraga gue main voli dan alhasil tangan gue jadi babak belur... Here it is........

Am I those fucked up?

3. 021108

At the 'Neat Canteen', we were talking about Oprah's Show and a friend of mine said that John Mayer was there and you know I have a little crush on John mayer so that story drivin' me crazy! Oh God, I mean, IT'S JOHN MAYER AND WHY THE HELL I DIDN'T WATCH IT??! FUUUUUUUUCK. Okay, back to where we begins.. Suddenly someone's turning on the bulb inside my head and I got this amazing idea. I borrowed Kiki's cell and called 021108 and said 'Hello miss, do you know John Mayer's phone number?' and the woman in the other line of the phone said in confuse 'John Mayer? Which John Mayer? Where did he live?' and I just said impatiently 'John Mayer, miss, how the hell can you don't know John Mayer?' and the woman said 'John Mayer? Where did he live?', you bet, I lost my temper so i say almost screaming 'TEBET' and all my friends just laugh. Oh stupid one, we also asked the number of Celine Dion, Alex Turner, etc. Gorgeous operator with a gorgeous user like us. Fantastic.

4. My nail was off from it's place

It's true, I'm not lying! About few weeks ago I've got an accident that made my toe's nail broke but it wasn't off the place!! It's kinda gross but now IT IS off it's place. I'm shocked as well. To tell you the truth I have the proof...

I'm not lying, dude...

5. Tomorrow's Plan

So you know it, I know it, God knew it. I'm planning to ditch school tomorrow cause I think I'll kill anyone near me if I go to school tomorrow. Here's the plan, I'll go to the airport at 3 AM, pick up my awesome boy, joking around at McD, go to the driving range, making out at the parking lot (wtf I won't do that), rent a motorcycle, drive fast to the suburb, go back to the airport and then, yeah, we'll say goodbye and I'll meet him later in China. I won't go to school tomorrow.

Aulia Izzati (the genius one)

P.S don't expect me to be a spinsterhood, suckass...

March 27, 2009

Dunkin Donuts

Tadi siang pas solat Jum'at. Gue, Dessi, Keisha sama Verra ke dunkin. Di dunkin mereka ketawa-ketawa terus gue juga ketawa-ketawa tapi entah karena ketawa gue lebay atau emang gue ditakdirkan untuk begitu tiba-tiba DUAAAAAAK kepala bagian belakang gue kejeduk ujung tembok di Dunkin (yang bagian tajemnya itu loh) pas lagi ngakak dan tiba-tiba gue merasa nyeri yang amat sangat dan gila kepala gue berasa kebakar. Gue entah kenapa ga pengen nangis tapi air mata gue keluar sendiri (gue lagi ngakak terus tiba-tiba kesakitan tapi tetep ngakak, oh ya ga sampe bercucuran air matanya). si Dessi kayaknya udah ngakak terus ngeliat gue kejeduk bahagia bener. Terus setelah gue hampir melupakan kejadian itu, gue jalan ke kasir mau beli donat dan NYUUT buset dah itu kepala gue nyut-nyutan setiap jalan. pas nyampe rumah gue pegang....... benjol gede bener, mungkin itu dinding dendem ya ama gua?

Aulia Izzati (oh i'm undefeated)

P.S lu jangan ngatain gue lebay sebelum menjedukkan kepala lu ke ujung tembok dengan kekuatan penuh

March 23, 2009

I was just a train wreck ready to jump before the crash.  
When we first met, I was tied to the tracks and I could not begin to explain.
We were just a wild-eyed couple of kids.  
They always said we were a long shot way back then,
and through it all I never thought it’d turn out this way.

Now the scent of your malcontent is like the smell before the rain.
I keep telling myself not to trust myself,
but the time is coming, and I need someone to blame.

Tell me anything.  Because I lost my strength and I’m losing faith.
Everything has changed, unintended, and unexplained and I know somethings happening.
I’m missing you more than a house without a frame

We are just train wrecks amongst the living dead.  
If we’re so different, then why are we listening?


P.S I told you..