April 18, 2009


hey guys, sorry i wont update this blog for a while. I'll go for indefinite hiatus. just try to check my other blog, thanks.


Aulia Izzati

P.S I'll be back on blogspot.com after I'm done with ******* I think

April 9, 2009

Boredom Buster

Today is a day-off, as you know, I've been waiting this day for soooooooooo long. It's a calm week before exam and I don't know why it called 'Calm Week'. I'm currently listening to Switchfoot - You, it's a really good song. Oh well, I'm not going to curse or say something bad today if its possible. Anyway I've just won a talking match with someone-really-not-important in my school, I know I shouldn't said that to 'it' but well I often lost my temper these days and Thomas DeLonge's voice really calmed my heart. I haven't hear his voice for so long and once I hear it again... God it's really a peace of mind, well to me, he is a peace of mind. Sounds nasty isn't it? Well I'm going to go to somewhere and post another blog later after this.

Aulia Izzati (the winner)

P.S I know I'm boring without all of the curse, so, FUCK OFF MAAAAAAAAAN!

April 6, 2009

Some of the Most Interesting Events Today :

1. There was a COCKroach inside my dad's car

Yeah this morning when I got into car I felt some strange-fucked feeling and all of the sudden there's a fucking cockroach in front of me. All I can do was screaming and I screamed 'DADDDDDY THERE'S A COCKROAAAACH!!' just kidding, that was my sister's, I screamed with all of the cursing I've ever know and heard and my dad just like 'SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU IDIOTS!' I think he was shocked by my awesome voice... but then I continued to scream 'til my dad sent the goddamn cockroach right to the hell. ALL HAIL MY FATHER

2. Get beaten up by the volleyball named Molten

Well yeah, I'm an Indonesian. Tadi pas olahraga gue main voli dan alhasil tangan gue jadi babak belur... Here it is........

Am I those fucked up?

3. 021108

At the 'Neat Canteen', we were talking about Oprah's Show and a friend of mine said that John Mayer was there and you know I have a little crush on John mayer so that story drivin' me crazy! Oh God, I mean, IT'S JOHN MAYER AND WHY THE HELL I DIDN'T WATCH IT??! FUUUUUUUUCK. Okay, back to where we begins.. Suddenly someone's turning on the bulb inside my head and I got this amazing idea. I borrowed Kiki's cell and called 021108 and said 'Hello miss, do you know John Mayer's phone number?' and the woman in the other line of the phone said in confuse 'John Mayer? Which John Mayer? Where did he live?' and I just said impatiently 'John Mayer, miss, how the hell can you don't know John Mayer?' and the woman said 'John Mayer? Where did he live?', you bet, I lost my temper so i say almost screaming 'TEBET' and all my friends just laugh. Oh stupid one, we also asked the number of Celine Dion, Alex Turner, etc. Gorgeous operator with a gorgeous user like us. Fantastic.

4. My nail was off from it's place

It's true, I'm not lying! About few weeks ago I've got an accident that made my toe's nail broke but it wasn't off the place!! It's kinda gross but now IT IS off it's place. I'm shocked as well. To tell you the truth I have the proof...

I'm not lying, dude...

5. Tomorrow's Plan

So you know it, I know it, God knew it. I'm planning to ditch school tomorrow cause I think I'll kill anyone near me if I go to school tomorrow. Here's the plan, I'll go to the airport at 3 AM, pick up my awesome boy, joking around at McD, go to the driving range, making out at the parking lot (wtf I won't do that), rent a motorcycle, drive fast to the suburb, go back to the airport and then, yeah, we'll say goodbye and I'll meet him later in China. I won't go to school tomorrow.

Aulia Izzati (the genius one)

P.S don't expect me to be a spinsterhood, suckass...

March 27, 2009

Dunkin Donuts

Tadi siang pas solat Jum'at. Gue, Dessi, Keisha sama Verra ke dunkin. Di dunkin mereka ketawa-ketawa terus gue juga ketawa-ketawa tapi entah karena ketawa gue lebay atau emang gue ditakdirkan untuk begitu tiba-tiba DUAAAAAAK kepala bagian belakang gue kejeduk ujung tembok di Dunkin (yang bagian tajemnya itu loh) pas lagi ngakak dan tiba-tiba gue merasa nyeri yang amat sangat dan gila kepala gue berasa kebakar. Gue entah kenapa ga pengen nangis tapi air mata gue keluar sendiri (gue lagi ngakak terus tiba-tiba kesakitan tapi tetep ngakak, oh ya ga sampe bercucuran air matanya). si Dessi kayaknya udah ngakak terus ngeliat gue kejeduk bahagia bener. Terus setelah gue hampir melupakan kejadian itu, gue jalan ke kasir mau beli donat dan NYUUT buset dah itu kepala gue nyut-nyutan setiap jalan. pas nyampe rumah gue pegang....... benjol gede bener, mungkin itu dinding dendem ya ama gua?

Aulia Izzati (oh i'm undefeated)

P.S lu jangan ngatain gue lebay sebelum menjedukkan kepala lu ke ujung tembok dengan kekuatan penuh

March 23, 2009

I was just a train wreck ready to jump before the crash.  
When we first met, I was tied to the tracks and I could not begin to explain.
We were just a wild-eyed couple of kids.  
They always said we were a long shot way back then,
and through it all I never thought it’d turn out this way.

Now the scent of your malcontent is like the smell before the rain.
I keep telling myself not to trust myself,
but the time is coming, and I need someone to blame.

Tell me anything.  Because I lost my strength and I’m losing faith.
Everything has changed, unintended, and unexplained and I know somethings happening.
I’m missing you more than a house without a frame

We are just train wrecks amongst the living dead.  
If we’re so different, then why are we listening?


P.S I told you..


Keep your mouth shut when I’m drunk. I hate the person I become when you’re not around.
I like me better when we talk it all over. If there was ever a time I needed you, its right now.
I believe in a long-winded mind. Most nights I putter out like an over-worked, under oiled engine,
staring at a quivering candle, consciousness fading, as I slowly float to sleep.
My distorted reality paints a wonderfully deranged pattern. 
Doubt does strange things to people like us.  We hold each other tighter now that the news is in. 
You’re learning to live alone in a home full of holes with two good reasons to find hope.
One of these days I’ll unwind this watch and live for you and you alone


P.S I AM a gorgeous man

March 21, 2009

Eel Kill Elephants


Gue di Semarang sekarang, jalan-jalan doong sendirian hahaha tadi di stasiun gue main-main alat buat nyetrum orang yang gue beli di Sogo. Di bungkusnya ada tulisan 'One Touch Will Kill Elephants' nah pas gue main-mainin, tiba-tiba.. ZZRRRRRRRRT alatnya nyala terus nyetrum tangan kiri gue. Untung aja tulisan di bungkusnya itu cuma kalimat hiperbola, tapi alhasil tangan kiri gue bener-bener sakit banget ga bisa bergerak dan ada bekasnya di tangan gue kayak bentol gitu..

itu yang merah bulet itu bekasnya

Bayangin selama 4 jam lebih tangan kiri gue ga bisa bergerak sama sekali

Aulia Izzati (the traveler)

P.S kalo di pencet gatel loh

March 20, 2009

I'm a Sucker for Fakes

I'll classify every word out of your lips as a lie
until you're lying beneath the dirt and the soil
hailed as the king of deceivers and cheats

you've got a lot to learn
more best friends to burn
more malignant lies to conjure
I'm down and out for now
but until the day you die
I will haunt your dreams

when you decide to paint your white picket fence,
be sure to use the purest his money can buy.
with every stroke, brush over the past,
and smother the true grain of your tainted life

you've got more guts to churn
an eternity to burn
you're about as innocent as cancer
I'm down and out for now
but until the day you die
I will haunt your dreams

I hope your breathing doesn't come easy
and I pray to God I'm all you dream
hope you feel my touch
hear my voice
taste my lips with every sip of noise
save your tears, don't apoligize
all you'll hear is good-bye
until you're a memory

Aulia Izzati (oh well)

P.S once again, I'm not as good as you think...

March 18, 2009


I can tell that you don't know me anymore, maybe you forget, I hope you just forget. Cause knowing that you DON'T WANT TO KNOW me hurts more than knowing that you FORGET me. You know, it's hard to accept that you don't wanna know but it's harder to ignore it. Can I just pretend that we never really know each other well?

Aulia Izzati

P.S ...

March 15, 2009

kasian ya gue ditemenin kalo ada duit atau lagi pada ada masalah doang. kalo lagi ga ada apa-apa pada main sendiri-sendiri sama temennya, nanti pas ada masalah lari ke gue semua dengan alasan yang di buat-buat, cerita semuanya ke gue sambil nangis-nangis lah inilah itulah. kenapa lo ga cerita aja sama temen lo yang baik itu sana? di buang ya? (mampus).

nanti di msn kalo ada masalah nyapa gue, kalo masalahnya udah selesai langsung off gitu aja, kalo lagi ga ada masalah, dicuekin. atau kalo ada apa-apa, minta bantuin gue ada hal yang ga penting tapi bikin sedih cerita ke gue, apa-apa gue, apa-apa gue.

terus sekalinya gue ada masalah, jangankan bantu, pas sadar gue ada masalah malah bilang 'lo ga ngasi tau gue sih' emang gue ga mau ngasi tau kok, nanti ujung-ujung nya bukannya gue yang cerita tapi malah pada ngerengek semua tentang masalah masing-masing ke gue. tapi nanti sekalinya gue ga bantuin, gue di omongin di belakang. beruntung banget sih gue punya temen kayak gitu. bahkan yang mau dengerin cerita gue cuma orang yang gue ga deket. lama-lama gue pikir gue lebih baik ga punya temen aja sekalian jadi ga ada yang ngerepotin lagi di hidup gue. cih

Aulia Izzati (feels like shit)

P.S siapa? pikir aja sendiri
Once again Dave, if you ask me a 'Do you like your friends?' question again, my answer will always be the same one. Some people may not be granted with the good one as yours, for me, I think God would say I deserved this. So you know what? Your friends are good so you call them your friends or 'yours'. But me, even they are all good, I hate mine to the fullest.

Aulia Izzati

P.S i colored the answer and the question in the same colors. don't blame me

March 12, 2009

can i hate God? or maybe i should blame myself for everything. well i never care bout things such like this but the things got me off guard and strike me out with its most powerful words oh get lost all of you

Aulia Izzati (ugh)

P.S strike-out, batter change!

March 11, 2009

well, why does every kids who listen to the punk rock had the title as "THE SCHOOL'S LOSER"? fuck off (even though i hate emo) i love punk rock. i believe that people who listen to it had its own way of thinking, they look at the world in a different angle, they don't see the wrong as it is, they see the wrong as why is. i think that everyone who said that 'yuck he is a punkers' or 'look at their styles! they're so out of date!' should shut their mouth. you can say i write this just to talk big or somewhat like that but i don't care. people who love punk rock never been anyone else but theirselves, they always be the way they are, not the fake one not the poser. the titled-theirselves-as-the-exist kids in my school are all stupid, they said they do know what true friends are but they just don't. they talk about each other in the back, it's such a shame i went to a school like that. so if i got these two choices :

a. be famous, stylish, the only existence that accepted, got everything
b. be the outcast, out of date, got nothing

i'll choose B cause i could respect all of my friends when i just got a few friends, i don't need to be confused of what-will-i-wear-today if i'm out of date, and i can learn to appreciate when i get something if i got nothing

so, which one do you prefer?

March 4, 2009

I thought that I could always count on you
I thought that nothing could come between us
we said as long as we would stick together
we'd be alright
we'd be okay

but I was stupid
and you broke me down
I'll never be the same again

so thank you for showing me
that best friends cannot be trusted
and thank you for lying to me
your friendship and good time we had
you can have them back

I wonder why it always has to hurt
for every lesson that you have to learn
I won't forget what you did to me
how you showed me things I wished I'd never see

but I was stupid
and you broke me down
I'll never be the same again

so thank you for showing me
that best friends cannot be trusted
and thank you for lying to me
your friendship and good time we had
you can have them back

when the tables turn again
you'll remember me, my friend
you'll be wishing I was there for you
I'll be the one you miss the most
but you'll only find my ghost
as time goes by
you'll wonder why
you're all alone

so thank you, for lying to me
so thank you, for all the times
you let me down
so thank you, for lying to me
so thank you, your friendship
you can have it back

Aulia Izzati (the most expensive name in the world)

P.S kasian ya gue di temenin kalo lagi dibutuhin doang

March 1, 2009

To : All of the Human I Hate

Jakarta : Friday, 20th of February, 2009
Indonesian extra lesson
14.15 - 14.21

so tell me how it feels
when you spoke the words between your shabby lips?
do you feel any good in that? cause i feel fuck with that. so go ahead.
speak out you mind, then i'll speak out my rage
you must be a stupid-head, a thinker without brain
don't judge my words by yours, you know nothing
don't judge my feelings about other, you know nothing

and the day after tomorrow
you'll get your head upside-down
confused by your own words
i'll use your words against you
i know your friends will be the death to you
you just don't know yet

speak out louder
so everyone can hear you even they don't want to
you'll get the shabby eggs on your shabby face
i must be the one and you know it
the human behind the lines, the thinker with better brain
and i must be the one

and the day after tomorrow
you'll get your head upside-down
confused by your own words
i'll use your words against you
i know your friends will be the death to you
you just don't know yet

you know i always got the way to work this out
i've got a way and you know exactly how
yes, i want to hold you up and bring you down
oh gosh i just wanna break you down so badly
and it will always be in the worst way
i'm gonna make sure you can't ever get too far from me
no, you wont ever get too far
i'll bring you close to me so i could explode your head

and the day after tomorrow
you'll get your head upside-down
confused by your own words
i'll use your words against you
i know your friends will be the death to you
and of course you will know it soon

suck it, fucker

Aulia Izzati (this name will be the witness)

P.S I'm not as good as you thought

February 25, 2009

very well

now you're gone, i wonder why you left me here
i think about it on and on and on and on and on again
i know you'll never coming back
i hope that you can hear me
i'm waiting to hear from you, until i do

you're gone away, i'm left alone
a part of me is gone and i'm not moving on
so wait for me, i know the day will come

i'll meet you there
no matter where life takes me to
i'll meet you there
and even if i need you here
i'll meet you there

i wish i could have told you the things i kept inside
but now i guess it's just too late
so many things remind me of you
i hope that you can hear me
i miss you, this is goodbye, one last time

you're gone away, i'm left alone
a part of me is gone and i'm not moving on
so wait for me, i know the day will come

i'll meet you there
no matter where life takes me to
i'll meet you there
and even if i need you here
i'll meet you there

and where i go you'll be there with me
forever you'll be right here with me

i'll meet you there
no matter where life takes me to
i'll meet you there
and even if i need you here
i'll meet you there

i'll meet you there
no matter where life takes me
i'll meet you there
and even if i need you
i'll meet you there

Aulia Izzati (God let them read this)

P.S read that sucker, so you will know what i feel inside now

Destria Rahmadini (old post but well i can't stop)

this is the old one, i made this on August 6, 2008

this is the story about my friends named destria rahmadini. i know, a weird name just like mine. the different between me and her is she's from a weird generation and i'm from a crazy generation. and one thing that she always do is talking with book. i told you that she's weird, right? and i've got a little chit chat with her today and also with my friends semy. just for info : she's in the same class with semy, 9-5, and i'm in 9-1. i came to her class in the second break then she asked where's my friends then i said 'i've got no friends' i said that as a joke and semy laugh. then destri said 'no, i mean the kids' well she start to show her weirdo haha then she said 'where are they, why they are not coming here?' i start to being confuse so i just said 'they're busy' then she took semy's book then play with it. she didn't write anything she just look at it just like she look her boyfriend!! weird girl!! i just scared that she fell in love with that book and marry it. hmm i think if i burn that book she will suicide haha. then semy and i start to disturb her with our disgusting sentences like 'hey, mbok, how are you?' or 'des, don't look through the window! we don't want to hear roma irama's song here!' roma irama is an old singer in our country, i don't know what genre is he into. but i think he is dangduts, if you want to hear any of his song, just googled it 'roma irama darah muda' haha i bet you will laugh after you hear it. okay, back to destri. destri has so many special abilities like talk with book, laugh without showing her teeth, and the most weird ability is she can be invisible! she often talk about gani sometimes. gani is not a human, well he look like a human but he is not! trust me if you meet him, you will feel that you won't have a happy feeling anymore. he is devil! oh destri again. she is strange. if we talk with her, we will never be able to understand any of her words even she's talking with the same language with us. she is talking like an alien and the one who able to understand destri's word is gani. they're a perfect couple anyway. but i don't think destri will leave semy's book like that cause she really really love it! imagine, she choose to talk with that book than talk with us! well now i can tell that destri live in the same generation with his father. his father is our economy techer, his name is Mr. Sularno, as weird as her daughter. he has so many special abilities just like destri. but the different is he can talk with money! he always chat with a 5.000 rupiah paper everytime he teach my class. i think if he meet that money before he met his wife, he will marry that money. hmm enough about destri agh i feel so sorry to her right now but, God, this is fucking awesome and fun haha just wait for your turn guys!

Aulia Izzati (oh boredom buster)

P.S you know des, i won't say sorry hahaha

do you know?

with life on hold
say goodbye to old habits of circumstance
the way you know me seems to show me why i'm glad i took this chance

i've fallen short of grace each time i see your face
you make me feel so free
but i can't comprise
and i won't compromise
all you've done for me

i know it seems like a dream
please, God, don't take this away from me

the way you love me all the same, i'm amazed at who you are
this moment in my life, it's like i'm never loved before
the way you show me with a kiss, how much you care

you are love you are life
to me you're peace of mind

Aulia Izzati (yeah. it's me)

P.S you will never know

February 22, 2009

Stupid Math

Minggu standar yang cukup nyebelin.

Hari ini gue bangun pagi-pagi (jam setengah 7) karena harus ke sekolah buat lomba nalar tapi tetep aja gue telat. jam 7 gue sampe di sekolah udah ada Nisa, Raka, Audi, Rivky, Kevin, Hauna dan anak kelas 7 yg gue lupa namanya siapa. terus kita berangkat ke Madrasah UIN buat lomba itu. (pernah mikir ga sih kenapa bu lili selalu nyalonin gue buat lomba begituan?)

Sesampainya disana

tempatnya udah rame, panas (tapi berangin), luas, bagus, dll. pokoknya gedung smabel kalah telak. abis daftar ulang gue dapet pin, makanan, minuman dan nomer peserta. nomer gue entah kenapa untuk yang ketiga kalinya dalam lomba yang berbeda gue dapet nomer SMP.0097. lombanya dimulai jam 9 sampe jam 10, soalnya ga begitu susah. isian singkat 20 nomer. abis itu di umumin sama panitia kalo hasil tes-nya bakal diumumin 1 setengah atau 2 jam lagi. karna bingung mau kemana akhirnya gue ngajak raka pergi kemana kek gitu. raka yang saat itu sedang kesal karena salah menjawab pun ikut apa kata gue, akhirnya kita (gue, raka, audi, nisa, dan anak kelas 7 itu) ke mobilnya raka.

G : mau kemana rak?
R : kerumah lu aja li, deket kan?

A : ngapain?
G : iya ngapain ka?
R : ah ngapain kek, bosen nih gue
N : ke citos aja
R, G : ayo

A : (diem sejenak) iya deh

di mobil

R : li citos deket kan dari sini?
G : kayaknya sih gitu ka

A : raka nomer 11 tadi lo jawabannya apa?
R : 9 di tapi pasti lebih dari itu (ngotot)
A : 5 rak, ga mungkin lebih dari 9 serius deh, 1/x + x = 3 berarti kalo di kurang di kuadrat jadi 9 tapi kurang dari 5 (jauh lebih ngotot lagi)
R : engga di coba deh ah anggep aja x 3 nanti kalo di balik balik jadi 9 (setelah itu mereka berantem sampai setengah perjalanan)

R : (setelah diem selama beberapa lama) iya deh di 5
A : HAA mampus lo
G : panik bener sih
N : tau tuh

di citos

G : ka lo bawa duit berapa?
R : ga ada cuma 30.000
G : itu namanya ada
R : lo bawa berapa di?
A : ngga ada
R : bohong lu bawa 50.000
A : gue pulang sendiri rak (menjauh dari raka)
R : bodo bodo

R : ha?
G : timezone ka

N : gue misah ya daaa (pergi sama anak kelas 7 itu ke entah kemana)
R : ayo lo bawa duit berapa?
G : engga bawa sama sekali, pake duit lu dulu deh nanti gue ganti (percakapan berakhir dengan gue ngutang 10.000 sama audi)

pas selesai main tapi di masih di timezone tiba-tiba hape gue geter, ada nomer telkomsel yang ga ada di contact gue yg nelfon.

G : ya
X : halo, kamu dimana?
G : oh maaf bu, saya... (panik)
R : di mesjid (gue rasa dia ga punya otak, mana mungkin di mesjid berisik)

G : di citos bu (panik)
X : cepetan ini babak finalnya udah mau mulai

G : iya bu ini saya balik kesana secepatnya
R : li gue mau ngomong
G : bu ini raka mau.. (telfon di putus, shit)

beberapa menit kemudian..nengnongnengnong.. hp-nya audi bunyi

A : ya halo...iya bu maaf saya di citos...iya bu..iya bu..saya kesana bu...bu ini raka mau... (telfon di putus lagi)
G : bu lili di?
A : iya, gila gue kaget
G : lo jawab dimana?
A : di citos

R : ah mestinya tadi gue yang ngomong

di mobil, bu lili telfon gue lagi nanya dimana, tapi karna gue terlalu coward buat ngangkat akhirnya raka yang angkat hahaha terus pas bu lili telfon audi jadi raka juga yang ngangkat haha terus audi bilang 'ini kita dimarahin deh li' terus beberapa menit kemudian anak kelas 7 itu bilang kalo yang masuk final itu gue audi sama raka. nahlo 3 finalis di dalam mobil, telat, merana, panas, panik. lalu bu lili telfon gue lagi dan telfon audi lagi sampe akhirnya raka bilang 'bu lili udah tau uli sama audi ada di mobil yang sama ngapain telfon dua duanya ya?' nah itu dia rak, gue juga bingung

di UIN

sampe di gerbangnya gue, raka, audi langsung lari ke lantai 2 ruang 3, pas banget sisa 3 kursi di bangku belakang terus ditanya sama bu lili 'ini kalian dari mana aja? lombanya udah di mulai dari tadi' gila gue stress. pas ngerjain tangan gue gemeteran saking capek-nya lari-lari hahaha sampe nama gue mencong mencong.


pas pengumuman gue lagi makan ketoprak (oh ya utang gue nambah 5.000 lagi sama audi) sambil minum susu (utang 2.000 sama raka) dan tebak pemenang-nya siapa

1. seorang anak kelas 7 dari BPK penabur
2. seorang anak kelas 9.5 dari smabel (Hauna dong)
3. seorang anak aneh dari kelas biling (Audi lah)

si raka ngiri-nya bukan main ngeliat si audi hahahaha
ah capek gue nulis yang ini. lebih baik post lirik

Aulia Izzati (still the cutest one, oh gosh)

P.S gue ngutang 17.000 hasilnya

February 6, 2009

Someone's Back

okay i will just say that i hate to see human's back body. cause if i see the back part of someone it means i'm behind them. behind them means i'm sucker than them, that's why i don't like to sit on the back of the class. i hate lose. i hate to be the last one and i've never like to be the last call. it's okay if everyone call me 'sucker', 'stupid', or 'short' I don't care! but don't ever dare to call me a 'loser'. i swear to god if someone's calling me a loser i will beat the person in the worst way. i can make myself be the smartest person on earth if i want to. i can make myself be the richest person on earth if i want to. i can make myself famous or something if i want to. but i dont want it all. i just wanna be a winner in anyway. i will never give the 'winner' title to anyone. if someone's trying to fight me, i'll fight back. i will never be the useless one, i will never be the dumped one, i will never be the last one. maybe i'm short but i can reach the high scores that even the highest person can't reach it. oh i'm all fucked up now

Aulia Izzati (still the best one)

P.S don't ever dare to call me a 'loser'

January 26, 2009

Harvest Moon

Izzati's typing here hahaha lo gak tau betapa sukanya gue sama nama gue sendiri.

yeah 2 minggu enggak nulis blog, lupa dan males jadi alasan utama tentunya hahaha oh ya ohya gue udah beli gitar loh nama awalnya sih Iero (rd : airo) tapi sekarang berubah jadi Mark karena tiba-tiba gue merasa Mark itu ganteng (i mean, who doesn't love his beautiful blue eyes? if i meet him someday, i'll say 'OH MY FUCKING GOD I SAW DIAMONDS IN YOUR EYES'). kalo di tanya mark siapa, ya Mark Hoppus lah, mark siapa lagi? markus iakus? hahaha nama panggilannya jadi marky tapi gue lebih suka di tulis jadi markie hahahaha najis (padahal seneng)

oh ya tadi pagi eh engga deh kemaren siang, gue lagi turun tangga menuju aula rumah gue untuk nagmbil sapu terus ada anak kucing item-putih disitu nah terus gue samperin. ternyata itu anaknya tuyul! (believe it or not guys, Tuyul is the name of my cat, she does look like tuyul) terus pas gue panggil si tuyul...dengan terpincang-pincang dan kaki kiri depan yang terangkat, dia menghampiri gue sambil mengeong-ngeong. gatau kenapa kaki-nya mungkin patah tapi yatuhan gue ga sanggup ngeliatnya. gue langsung manggil orang-orang

g : gue, a : amel, h : ade

g : AMEL, ADE SINI CEPETAN LIAT SI TUYUL! (ade gue yang pertama nyampe)
h : kenapa kak?
g : ITU LIAT SI TUYUL! (masih panik)
h : si tuyul kenapa?
a : kenapa ul? (ini si nenek jelek baru nyampe)

h : tuyul puss meong (cara ade gue manggil kucing)

a : ih kenapa itu kakinya? (tuyul jalan)
h : tadi pagi ade main sama aja sama tuyul disini ngga kenapa-kenapa kok si tuyul

sementara mereka berdua berdebat, gue naik ke atas nyapu kamar gue yang berantakan super.


Harvest Moon :

sekitar setengah jam yang lalu, gue main Harvest Moon di Nintendo DS yang gue rampok dari Nilam. gue New Game disitu, bagi yang pernah main harvest moon pasti tau kalo mayornya yang namanya Thomas ngebacot dulu. udah bacot songong pula. nah karakter gue itu kesel terus si thomas di serang pake segala alat perkebunan yang karakter gue punya (ini karakternya bergerak sendiri) terus pas semua alat udah di keluarin dan ga ada satupun yang kena, si Thomas bilang 'HAHA you can't hurt me! you lose!' dan tiba-tiba anjing peternakannya ngegigit Thomas dari balakang terus si Thomas bilang 'HELP MEEEEEE!' terus muncul pilihan :

-Don't Help
karena gue pikir ga akan mempengaruhi apapun, jadi gue pilih 'Don't Help' dan FUCK-nya, pas gue klik don't help............................credit-nya muncul. GAME OVER TAMAT THE END. FUCKING HOE BITCH GAME! BARU 15 MENIT GUE MAIN (13 menit bacotnya, mainnya cuma 2 menit) LANGSUNG GAME OVER! GAME APAAN NIH. CIH. gue tungguin credit-nya sampe selesai terus gue matiin DS-nya lalu gue langsung beralih ke komputer gue komputer saking keselnya. SAMPAI MATI PUN GA BAKALAN GUE MAIN HARVEST MOON DI NDS LAGI


oh get bored, i wanna do some cool shit. throwing away my clothes won't do but i know something will do. burst out and blend with the song, squash the water tight, splash it everywhere!!! woo hoooooo DONT LOOSE YOUR GRIP YEAAAH SPIN AROUND THE ROOM BUT DON'T BE A SPINNER AND ALSO NOT A SPINSTER HAHAHAHAHA GO FUCK SOMEONE AND YOU WILL NEVER BE A SPINSTERHOOD WOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO oh sorry i haven't take my pill for this night i better go to sleep and dirtily dream about someone HAHAHAHA THAT'S KICKASS AT LEAST YOU WON'T BE A SPINSTERHOOD! well i would never do that for real hahaha gotcha! uum..or maybe i will...someday or tomorrow?

Aulia Izzati (too cool to be left out)

P.S don't ever dare to be a spinsterhood...

January 11, 2009


hari minggu siang. sebenernya gue mau nulis panjang tapi males. nanti kapan-kapan gue ceritain deh. jadi intinya gini kemaren malem gue baseball di senayan terus Couch ucok cerita tentang seorang anak dari Arang Batok yang kelindes truk sekitar 3 bulan lalu (holy shit it's fucking creepy) bayangin kelindes truk isi besi dan kemaren gue ketemu anak itu, dengan santai dia lari-lari dan ada sesuatu di perutnya yang mengganjal. untuk cerita lengkapnya nanti kapan-kapan gue tulisin. astagfirullah gue ga nyangka anak itu masih hidup, dan dan dan astaga benda di perutnya itu yang bikin gue merinding setengah hidup (gue orang optimis) gue, seorang anak softball yang kalo ga salah namanya devi atau siapa gitu, dan couch opas bener-bener ga percaya pas di ceritain cerita itu sampe kita ngerasa di kibulin. tapi pas anak itu di panggil....fuck...cerita itu bener dan benda itu masih ada di situ di tutup plastik. shit. minggu depan gue lanjutin lagi

Aulia Izzati (full moon)

P.S kalo mau liat anak itu, hari sabtu jam 7 malem ke senayan

January 9, 2009

The 'IT' List

sekarang sebenarnya sih gue cuma mau nulis daftar barang-barang yang mau gue beli di tahun 2009 ini. tapi kayaknya hampir semuanya ga sanggup gue beli dalam waktu dekat (impian di langit dengan kemampuan di perut bumi). jadi yang gue butuhin itu (prioritas) :

1. Acoustic Guitar

2. Sepatu
3. Nintendo DS
4. Overcoat
5. some cool new albums
6. Tickets

emang cuma dikit sih tapi biayanya? sabodo amat. mendingan sekarang gue bikin perhitungannya :

1. Acoustic Guitar
gue naro 2.000.000 disini, biarlah sedikit mahal yang penting kan bagus dan semoga aja bertahan lama. Rob dan Jack kayaknya udah ngga kuat lagi jadi gue harus beli ini. mungkn bisa gue kasi nama Buzz or something cool like that

2. Sepatu (why not shoes?)
kira-kira 850.000 disini. gue bener-bener jatuh hati sama 'The Matthew' sepatu sempurna yang luar biasa

3.Nintendo DS
yeah 1.300.000 disini! tau kenapa murah? gue mau beli DS-nya Nilam!! semoga aja jadi. awas lu nil kalo ga jadi jual ke gue

4. Overcoat
600.000 gue udah liat yang bagus banget di Tajur (Bogor loh)

5. some cool new albums
kayaknya ada 10 CD yang bakal gue beli tahun ini jadi yah 800.000 lah untuk bagian ini

6. Tickets
tentu saja tiket konser. kalo gue nonton 3 konser tahun ini terus harganya taro-lah @ 400.000 berarti gue butuh 1.200.000

nah jadi totalnya adalah...................OH MY GOD Rp 6.550.000,-
tapi kalo untuk kebutuhan satu tahun gue rasa itu ga terlalu banyak kayaknya. tapi.... uang gue di dompet cuma ada 470.000-an dan itu ga mencukupi satu pun kebutuhan gue yang pokok itu..

oh ya ngomong-ngomong gue berhenti makan nasi loh sekarang hahaha bukan karna program diet (bisa mati kurus gue kalo diet) tapi karna gue emang ga suka nasi. sebagai gantinya gue makan roti sebagai makanan sehari-hari HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (tawa kemenangan)

Aulia Izzati (as always)

P.S kalo ada yang bersedia membantu dompet gue, hubungi 085694025241

January 2, 2009

New Year : Back to the Past

hari kedua di tahun 2009. gue bangun jam 10 (yang awalnya gue kira jam 11). yah oke gue bergadang semalem sama sepupu gue. dan lo tau apa yang gue lakukan semalam suntuk itu? pastinya ngga. yaaah gue cuma nonton blog-nya tom sembari ngakak sampe keselek di sambi sama makan roti keju buatan sendiri karena laper.

jujur aja gue gatau mau nulis apa sekarang yang pasti gue, entah kenapa, akhir-akhir ini selalu merasa kesel. come back to the past : emosi gue ga pernah stabil. yeah 3 tahun di smp gue nyoba untuk sabar, dan gue bisa liat sendiri hasilnya gue punya lumayan banyak temen. tapi gue ga suka (bukan ga suka sama orangnya maksud gue), gue ga suka punya temen, ga suka di perhatiin, dan yang paling gue ga suka : gue ga suka di tanya. mau gimana lagi, dari dulu dari kecil, gue udah di biasain sendiri, gue ga suka keributan keramaian atau sebagainya, gue ga pernah mau pergi sama temen kecuali sepupu-sepupu gue sendiri, dan gue ga suka dunia luar. yah memang dari awalnya gue anak yang ga suka ngomong sama sekali tapi sekarang gue nyoba untuk nge-bacot dari hari-hari dan jujur aja gue ga suka, rasanya setiap kali ngomong atau ketawa rahang gue langsung mau copot, jadi intinya sekarang gue capek, bener-bener capek sampe-sampe gue rasa 'Geliga' ga bakal bisa ngilangin pegel rahang gue (ngga gitu juga sih) yah gitu aja. kalo akhir-akhir ini gue berubah ya sudah emang itulah gue.

Aulia Izzati (nama indah gue ga akan berubah)

P.S jangan coba-coba nanya gue 'lo akhir-akhir ini kenapa sih?' gue jamin muka lo ga bakal bagus lagi. satu lagi : gue ga suka chat. gue online cuma buat nanya sama encarta instan answer doang.

January 1, 2009

first day

Thomas Matthew DeLonge, Jr.
orang (pria) pertama yang gue liat tahun ini. kebetulan wallpaper handphone gue itu dia jadi waktu tahun baru gue liat jam di handphone, pas jam 00.00 gue masih tetep ngeliat ke hape jadi otomatis dia orang pertama yang gue liat HELL YEAAAAAAAAAH

'I can not live I can't breathe unless you do this with me'
sebaris lirik luar biasa yang gue nyanyikan pada malam tahun baru. pas banget gue lagi nyanyi nyanyi kayak gitu tiba tiba jam di hape gue berubah jadi 00.00 YES

Kicked by Mom
kurang merana apa lagi gue? baru tahun baru udah di tendang nyokap. siksaan pertama yang gue terima tepat pada pukul 00.01 FUCK

Lebih Tinggi
harapan yang gue ucapkan pertama kali pada tahun baru, harapan gue selanjutnya yaitu, jadi putih, bisa pinter main gitar, sehat selalu, engga ngelotok (?), engga penakut, selalu di sayang tuhan, bisa menemukan pria yang tepat, di lancarkan rejekinya, semoga David James Kennedy jadi pedophile, dll. karena terlalu banyak harapan gue jadi ngga enak sama Allah, gue solat bolong-bolong tapi mintanya ga bolong sedikit pun. tapi semoga saja Tuhan mengabulkan do'a hambanya ini AMIN

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
film yang pertama kali gue tonton di tahun 2009. jujur aja tahun baru kali ini bener-bener di habisin cuma buat nonton tv. main kembang api pun engga, nyentuh atau liat pun ngga CIH

situs internet pertama yang gue buka pada tahun 2009 dan juga gue langsung melihat hobi tom yang hampir sama kayak gue yaitu membanggakan diri sendiri YES

Kereta Hantu Manggarai
film hantu pertama yang gue tonton tahun ini. itu serem banget sumpah FUCK


Aulia Izzati (I'm such a 'cute' kid)

P.S kutipan setelah nama gue bermakna tidak sebenarnya, itu ide Tom, sumpah